


Sketches Muindi Muindi Sketches Muindi Muindi


This week, the nation of Russia attacked the nation of Ukraine in what is widely and rightly being regarded as a brazen act of nationalist imperialism. The liberal news media in the West has tended to criticize Russia’s actions in the name of the sovereignty of the nation of Ukraine, taking the inviolability of sovereign national territories for granted.

In this dispatch, I propose that we criticize acts of nationalist imperialism otherwise than affirming the inviolability of sovereign national territories. In brief, I propose that we criticize acts of nationalist imperialism by affirming nations’ shared concern for ecoregions and by affirming more or less permeable ecoregional boundaries.

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Convivial Statements
Sketches Muindi Muindi Sketches Muindi Muindi

Convivial Statements

I write that domineering statements are the condition of possibility for the effectiveness of violent communication, and I write that convivial statements are the conditions of possibility for the effectiveness of nonviolent communication — but what do I mean by this?

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Countering Power
Essay Muindi Muindi Essay Muindi Muindi

Countering Power

The “living worlds“ that I have envisioned must not to be made by seeking power but, rather, they must be made by countering power.

But what is power and how is it countered? And how do those processes “pivotal” to the making of living worlds contribute to countering power?

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Readings Muindi Muindi Readings Muindi Muindi


I would like to explore the hypotheses that (i) decolonization as antidote to a nationalist imperialism means promoting bioregionalisms, (ii) decolonization as an antidote to a capitalist imperialism means promoting communisms, and (iii) decolonization as an antidote to a careerist imperialism means promoting dilettantisms.

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Essay Muindi Muindi Essay Muindi Muindi


The industrialized world, as I have come to regard it, is a world constructed on the hypothesis that machines can replace slaves or, rather more precisely, that new machine slaves could be gradually made to replace the human slaves of old, and that a “temporary” and “voluntary” sort of human slavery, wage slavery, may suffice in the interim between the old human driven order and the new machine driven order.

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