The Therapeutic Imagination
The Therapeutic imagination is patiently attentive: it encourages us to take time to attend to what is taking place in order to take careful and caring action with respect to what is taking place.
The Therapeutic imagination knows no superheroes but the most under-appreciated healers of the victims and vehicles of evil.
Denigration & Dispossession
Breaking with my dependence on Marxist language and theory by jettisoning the sorry Marxist concept and turn of phrase “primitive accumulation” and, instead, thinking with and through the phrase and concept of “accumulation by denigration and dispossession”.
U.S. Militarism
Everyone struggling against global apartheid and planetary ecocide today knows that the most reprehensible of villains today are U.S. militarists and the global military-industrial-academic complexes that both feed U.S. militarism and feast on it
The Fetishes of Empire
Few recognize and fewer are brave enough to teach others that the maintenance and advancement of imperialist white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy has not been driven by profit but by pleasure seeking, toxic masculine pleasure seeking.
Against Global Apartheid & Planetary Ecocide (A.G.A.P.E.)
Struggling for the nurture and care of the beautiful and differentiated languages, cultures, customs, and ways of life of the Earth’s people, which are vital to the health of the planet.
On Violence
Marking the distinction between brutal acts of violence and considerate acts of violence, between the violence enacted by oppressors and oppressive regimes and the violence enacted by freedom fighters and liberation movements.
Anticolonialism, Antiracism, and Ecology
The global ecology movement can only become a force for radical change today by deferring to the victims of modern colonialism and racism, especially the indigenous peoples whose homelands were stolen from them and the black peoples who were stolen from their homelands during the formation of the modern world system.
Who Goes Anti-Colonial?
It is an interesting and radical parlor game to play at a large gathering of one’s acquaintances: to speculate who in a showdown would go anti-colonial and what sort of showdown would trigger them to do so.
Profound Silences
Any and every story that enables us to make sense of modern European colonialism and imperialism must feature an increasing number of indescribable horrors.
Running Thoughts on Trauma
The way to get peoples to affirm an ideological or mythical reason for denying care to themselves and others is to (i) traumatize peoples in some way shape or form, (ii) allow their traumas to fester unresolved for an extended duration, and then (iii) play upon their traumas.
Seven Ways to Signify a Circle
As I have come to see it, symbolic signs that are meant to communicate a given idea ought to be supplemented by iconic and gestural signs that further communicate a given idea.
The Great Derangement
We must all be traumatized if we are able to rationalize a way of life that allows us to disregard the fact that wildlife populations on Earth have plummeted by more than two-thirds in the past half-century and to disregard the fact that half of the languages on Earth are likely to disappear over the course of the next century.
Five Considerations
Evoking passages from Sun Tzu, this dispatch sets out five factors to consider when planing a fugitive undertaking.
Six Theses on Science
Science becomes entangled with art and philosophy whenever science is “put to the test” in an experiment.
Three Freedoms
Reading Graeber and Wengrow’s The Dawn of Everything in order to frame the question, “What can we do in our time, the present, to (re-)construct a world in which imperialist power formations are historical curiosities and the freedoms to disobey, to migrate, and to (de-/re-)construct worlds are decisive?”
Design Constraints for the Making of Statements
This dispatch sketches out four design constraints for the deconstruction of domineering statements and the (re-)construction of convivial statements.
Proxies and Redeemers
Let us (re-)create ways of living otherwise than becoming proxies for power, otherwise than becoming redeemers for power, otherwise than becoming redeemers for power's redeemers, otherwise than becoming common victims of power, and otherwise than forming rival powers that can compete for supremacy.
Late Davosian Holocausts
The latest report from the IPCC betrays the fact that incipient “Late Davosian Holocausts” are poised to do by way of neocolonialism what the “Late Victorian Holocausts” did by way of colonialism, marking a new inflection point in the history of the havoc wreaked by imperialist white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy.
This week, the nation of Russia attacked the nation of Ukraine in what is widely and rightly being regarded as a brazen act of nationalist imperialism. The liberal news media in the West has tended to criticize Russia’s actions in the name of the sovereignty of the nation of Ukraine, taking the inviolability of sovereign national territories for granted.
In this dispatch, I propose that we criticize acts of nationalist imperialism otherwise than affirming the inviolability of sovereign national territories. In brief, I propose that we criticize acts of nationalist imperialism by affirming nations’ shared concern for ecoregions and by affirming more or less permeable ecoregional boundaries.