


On Violence
Sketches Muindi Muindi Sketches Muindi Muindi

On Violence

Marking the distinction between brutal acts of violence and considerate acts of violence, between the violence enacted by oppressors and oppressive regimes and the violence enacted by freedom fighters and liberation movements.

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Investigations into the Modern University: An Introduction
Essay Muindi Muindi Essay Muindi Muindi

Investigations into the Modern University: An Introduction

The modern university is not, and has never been, a noble institution. Much to the contrary, it has historically been and remains to this day a racist, sexist, and classist institution devoted to the reproduction of ruling class elites and the reproduction of knowledge as the preserve of ruling class elites.

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Blackness and Primitiveness
Essay Muindi Muindi Essay Muindi Muindi

Blackness and Primitiveness

The black radical tradition is not the tradition of a crisply defined set of peoples that can be said to fall under the designation “Black”. Rather, the black radical tradition is the tradition of a blur of peoples, a fuzzy and indeterminate set, perpetually engaged in the process of troubling the designation “Black” that has been imposed upon them and staying with the trouble. This is to say, in other words, that the black radical tradition is a counter-cultural tradition: it is a tradition dedicated to countering the imposing power formations of dominant cultures.

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