
Planning to Flee from Profiling
Once upon a time it was the paid administrator’s task to profile subjects under administration. In today’s deathly world of suffering, subjects under administration are tasked with profiling themselves without pay.
We are all becoming unpaid administrators, engaged in compiling and reviewing profiles about ourselves and others, and desperately trying to find ways to advantage ourselves in administrative rat races by exploiting the (mal)functioning of automated and networked systems that record, sort, filter, and match profiles.

Planning to Flee from Financing
“If it don’t make money, it don’t make sense.” — That is gist of the domineering statements, implements, and environments that form the capitalist powers that prevail over our deathly world of suffering.

Planning to Flee from Schooling
Why do we live in a deathly world of suffering in which schooling is considered to be more important than learning?