


Late Davosian Holocausts
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Late Davosian Holocausts

The latest report from the IPCC betrays the fact that incipient “Late Davosian Holocausts” are poised to do by way of neocolonialism what the “Late Victorian Holocausts” did by way of colonialism, marking a new inflection point in the history of the havoc wreaked by imperialist white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

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A Case in Point
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A Case in Point

I happened to write my previous two dispatches, “Entrapment” and “Ethnocide and Ecocide”, while re-reading the preface from Mike Davis’s Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World. As I re-read Mike Davis’s text, it struck me that I might use the events he describes as a case study, qualifying my propositions regarding power formations generally and regarding the specific power formation that is imperialist white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

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