


Four Autobiographical Notes
Muindi Muindi Muindi Muindi

Four Autobiographical Notes

We can only make sense of the most spectacular genocidal and ethnocidal horrors of colonial racial capitalism after we have illuminated the “terror[s] of the mundane and quotidian” from which these spectacular horrors emerge.

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Investigations into the Modern University: An Introduction
Essay Muindi Muindi Essay Muindi Muindi

Investigations into the Modern University: An Introduction

The modern university is not, and has never been, a noble institution. Much to the contrary, it has historically been and remains to this day a racist, sexist, and classist institution devoted to the reproduction of ruling class elites and the reproduction of knowledge as the preserve of ruling class elites.

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Who Goes Anti-Colonial?
Sketches Muindi Muindi Sketches Muindi Muindi

Who Goes Anti-Colonial?

It is an interesting and radical parlor game to play at a large gathering of one’s acquaintances: to speculate who in a showdown would go anti-colonial and what sort of showdown would trigger them to do so.

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Another Black Man in America
Essay Muindi Muindi Essay Muindi Muindi

Another Black Man in America

My own lived experience has revealed to me how the workings of optimizing powers are meant to be experienced as being taught lessons and having to teach lessons, as needing protection from oneself and needing to protect others from themselves.

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Convivial Statements
Sketches Muindi Muindi Sketches Muindi Muindi

Convivial Statements

I write that domineering statements are the condition of possibility for the effectiveness of violent communication, and I write that convivial statements are the conditions of possibility for the effectiveness of nonviolent communication — but what do I mean by this?

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For bell hooks
Sketches Muindi Muindi Sketches Muindi Muindi

For bell hooks

The recent passing of bell hooks has inspired me to reconsider the clinical expression that she often used to name the deathly world of suffering that prevails over us, “imperialist white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy”.

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Freeing Time
Sketches Muindi Muindi Sketches Muindi Muindi

Freeing Time

All powers first establish themselves over us by determining the rhythm and tempo of our lives. This is to say, in other words, that power can only rule, discipline, normalize, and optimize our lives if it succeeds in ruling, disciplining, normalizing, and optimizing the rhythm and tempo of our lives.

It follows from this that countering the powers that determine the rhythm and tempo of our lives is decisive to countering any and all powers.

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Countering Power
Essay Muindi Muindi Essay Muindi Muindi

Countering Power

The “living worlds“ that I have envisioned must not to be made by seeking power but, rather, they must be made by countering power.

But what is power and how is it countered? And how do those processes “pivotal” to the making of living worlds contribute to countering power?

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