
Against Global Apartheid & Planetary Ecocide (A.G.A.P.E.)
Struggling for the nurture and care of the beautiful and differentiated languages, cultures, customs, and ways of life of the Earth’s people, which are vital to the health of the planet.
Unpayable Debt & the Assassination of the Third World
Radical Pan-Africanists, whose prescient analyses of U.S. led Empire are too often left out of histories of the Long Twentieth Century, clearly saw the Assassination of the Third World project for what it was, the institution of a global apartheid regime secured and underwritten in perpetuity by the servicing of unpayable debts.

“Toward a Global Idea of Race”
A gloss on Silva’s Toward a Global Idea of Race, leaving aside her disputations with the history of Western philosophy, anthropology, and sociology, and focusing on the problem which inspired me to pick up the book in the first place.
The problem in question, “How do liberal globalists and white supremacists relate to one another?”