


TEK & the Technosphere
Essay Muindi Muindi Essay Muindi Muindi

TEK & the Technosphere

The fabrication of “unscientific and superstitious primitives” was obviously at the cost of immense expenditures of psychic and intellectual energies in the Euro-Atlantic West. The exercise was obligatory. It was an effort commensurate with the importance that the repression and ruination of Traditional Ecological Knowledges (TEK) possessed for the maintenance and advancement of Western(ized) “human, all too human” social arrangements.

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Anthropologies Beyond the Human
Queries Muindi Muindi Queries Muindi Muindi

Anthropologies Beyond the Human

Why must Western(ized) anthropologists speak of peoples living in “small foraging bands” when the peoples they are referring to can and do live as if they are part of immense and complex societies that involve great multitudes of sentient non-human others?

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